Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Ages 4 to 11
We believe your children learn best by your example. This is why children stay with their families during Sunday worship time. After worship, Children's Church meets during Sunday Service. It is run by Pastor's wife, Elizabeth Brown, RN BSN
Nursery is held after worship for infants and toddlers
We believe your children learn best by your example. This is why children stay with their families during Sunday worship time. After worship, Children's Church meets during Sunday Service. It is run by Pastor's wife, Elizabeth Brown, RN BSN
Nursery is held after worship for infants and toddlers

Sunday Mornings
Children's Church meets durning the adult sermon time. Children's Church meets at the church basement. All parents are welcomed to see what we are doing and teaching! It's not baby-sitting, but church for their age.